Algebraic Data 2 Polynomials
This post walks through the construction of Polynomial Functors in Agda based on my old code here
The Category Poly has some of the richest structure of any category, only some of which will be touched here. Because we’re focusing on constructive properties and using Agda, I’ll think in terms of types rather than categories but the two approaches are essentially equivalent by the Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence.
We can think of Polynomial Functors (the objects of Poly) as a Categorification of regular polynomials e.g. $y^2 + 2y + 1$ with more structure.
In this sense, a Polynomial Functor is just a particular sort of presheaf
_^ : Set → Set -- Presheaf
I ^ = I → Set
Working constructively, it’s easier to work with representations
∫ : Set
∫ = ∃ _^
which is to say, polynomials $P$ are dependent pairs $(P^+ : Type,P^- : P^+ → Type)$, thinking of $P^+$ as the coefficients and $P^-(p)$ as the exponent for the variable at that index.
e.g our first polynomial \(y^2 + 2y + 1\) can be represented by \(({\bf4},\{1 \mapsto {\bf 2}; 2 \mapsto {\bf 1}; 3 \mapsto {\bf 1}; 4 \mapsto {\bf 0}\})\) i.e.
- The first “index” gets mapped to the exponent ${\bf 2}$ in the $y^2$ term
- The second and third both map to the exponent ${\bf 1}$ in the $2y \equiv y + y$ term
- The final “index” gets mapped to ${\bf 0}$ in the constant term $1$
In future, we will omit $P^+$ where it’s obvious and only give the explicit mapping for $P^-$
There’s many ways to interpret these polynomial descriptions, but I like to think of them as formal descriptions of Algebraic Datatypes, where the “coefficients” represent constructors/shapes and the “exponents” represent positions in that shape.
Polynomial descriptions can be interpreted as Polynomial Functors / linear data type constructors
_⦅_⦆ : ∫ → Set → Set -- Interpret as a polynomial functor
(A⁺ , A⁻) ⦅ y ⦆ = Σ[ a⁺ ∈ A⁺ ] (A⁻ a⁺ → y)
For example, the type
data MaybeEither a = Nothing | JustLeft a | JustRight a
can be represented by the polynomial
\(\{\text{Nothing} \mapsto \text{Void}; \text{JustLeft} \mapsto (); \text{JustRight} \mapsto ()\}\) which gets interpreted as (in pseudo-haskell)
data MaybeEitherConstructor = Nothing_ | JustLeft_ | JustRight_
type MaybeEither' a = ('Nothing_,Void → a) | ('JustLeft_,() → a) | ('JustRight_, () → a)
which is isomorphic to the original because
absurd ∷ () → (Void → a)
absurd () = case {}
const ∷ a → (() → a)
const a = \() -> a
are the only inhabitants of their respective types.
Seeing them as recipes for a datatype, where the constructor names can differ unlike anonymous coefficients, makes it clear why we want to think of coefficients separately rather than lumping them together.
As a mere polynomial, the above representation for MaybeEither
looks like $1 + 2a$.
So that’s the objects in ${\bf Poly}$, but what makes ${\bf Poly}$ really interesting are the morphisms.
Morphisms in Poly
The morphisms in ${\bf Poly}$ are dependent lenses
module _ (A@(A⁺ , A⁻) B@(B⁺ , B⁻) : ∫) where
∫[_,_] : Set
∫[_,_] = (a⁺ : A⁺) → Σ[ b⁺ ∈ B⁺ ] (B⁻ b⁺ → A⁻ a⁺)
module _ {A@(A⁺ , A⁻) B@(B⁺ , B⁻) : ∫} where
lens : (get : A⁺ → B⁺)
(set : (a⁺ : A⁺) → B⁻ (get a⁺) → A⁻ a⁺)
→ ∫[ A , B ]
lens g s = λ a⁺ → g a⁺ , s a⁺
get : (l : ∫[ A , B ]) → A⁺ → B⁺
get l = π₁ ∘ l
set : (A↝B : ∫[ A , B ]) → (a⁺ : A⁺) → B⁻ (get A↝B a⁺) → A⁻ a⁺
set l = π₂ ∘ l
Unpacking the above:
A morphism f : ∫[(A⁺ , A⁻),(B⁺ , B⁻)]
between polynomial representations has:
- a getter
get : A⁺ → B⁺
- a setter
set : (a⁺ : A⁺) → B⁻ (get a⁺) → A⁻ a⁺
In the definition above we combine get and set into a single operation of type(a⁺ : A⁺) → Σ[ b⁺ ∈ B⁺ ] (B⁻ b⁺ → A⁻ a⁺)
- getting both the value and the “pre-applied” setter in one go. This matters for linear lenses, guaranteeing that we only use the input once - but for our cases its equivalent and easier to work with separate getters and setters.
Compare this to a regular non-dependent Lens s t a b
- a getter
get : s → a
- a setter
set : s → b → t
So $(A^+,A^-)$ is kinda like $(s,t)$ while $(B^+,B^-)$ is kinda like $a,b$
For normal lenses, we usually think of s
and t
being related somehow (e.g as polymorphic containers of different types like s ~ [a]
and t ~ [b]
), so this makes some sense for t
to “depend on” s
, although it’s actually kinda weirdly askew if you think about it hard enough - more on that later.
Thinking of ${\bf Poly}$ morphisms on containers, what they’re doing is:
- Map each constructor name to another constructor name
- For each constructor name, associate each position in the constructor of its image back to a position in the original This encodes an advanced form of structural subtyping, where $P \to Q$ means there’s a $Q$ implicit in the $P$ structure. This allows us to lift operations on $Q$ structures back onto an operation on $P$ structures, by first extracting the $Q$ structure then applying the operation and putting it back. Notice that this operation of lenses on data type constructors is different from how we usually think of lenses on data types. Instead of “extracting values from a container”, we extract structure from the container. These sorts of lenses are called algebraic ornaments.
It makes more sense with an example:
Our MaybeEither
type has a lens to the normal Maybe
maps \(\{\text{Nothing} \mapsto \text{Nothing}; \text{JustLeft} \mapsto \text{Just};\text{JustRight} \mapsto \text{Just}\}\)set
associates the singlea
position inJust
back to the singlea
position inJustLeft
depending which branch we’re already in.
This lets us do some nice things like
- automatically lift
(by pre-applyingget
) so that it will be true if we’re in eitherJustLeft
- Turn
into a Monad Module overMaybeEither
which behaves like the normal monad instance forMaybe
except it “stays in its lane” forJustLeft
Poly is a category
Finally, we want to show that lenses over polynomial representations do indeed form a category.
record Category {O : Set} (𝒞[_,_] : O → O → Set) : Set where
constructor 𝒾:_▸:_𝒾▸:_▸𝒾:
infixl 8 _▸_
𝒾 : ∀ {x} → 𝒞[ x , x ]
_▸_ : ∀ {x y z} → 𝒞[ x , y ] → 𝒞[ y , z ] → 𝒞[ x , z ]
𝒾▸ : ∀ {x y} (f : 𝒞[ x , y ]) → (𝒾 ▸ f) ≡ f
▸𝒾 : ∀ {x y} (f : 𝒞[ x , y ]) → (f ▸ 𝒾) ≡ f
We encode a category as a record of data:
- An identity
𝒾 : ∀ {x} → ∫[ x , x ]
- A composition map
_▸_ : ∀ {x y z} → ∫[ x , y ] → ∫[ y , z ] → ∫[ x , z ]
Together with laws for how identity and composition interact: 𝒾▸ : ∀ {x y} (f : ∫[ x , y ]) → (𝒾 ▸ f) ≡ f
▸𝒾 : ∀ {x y} (f : ∫[ x , y ]) → (f ▸ 𝒾) ≡ f
(Technically we should also include associativity but it’s tedious and uninformative to prove :p)
lens-cat : Category ∫[_,_]
lens-cat = 𝒾: (λ a⁺ → a⁺ , id)
▸: (λ l1 l2 a⁺ → let b⁺ , setb = l1 a⁺
c⁺ , setc = l2 b⁺
in c⁺ , setb ∘ setc)
𝒾▸: (λ _ → refl)
▸𝒾: (λ _ → refl)
- Identity is simply given by the normal identity functions
- Composition proceeds as normal non-dependent lens composition, composing the getters and saving the intermediate values to feed back into the setters in the opposite direction.
- The proofs are trivial